On October 19th, 2024, SEVA Care had a table at the Eco-Farm Fall Festival in Alachua, Florida to raise awareness about SEVA Care, and recruit more volunteers, as well as to connect with community members and hear from them.
It was a beautiful day with pleasant weather, and what seemed to be slow attendance at first, soon turned out to be a bustling happening with a big jovial crowd. Even though SEVA Care wasn’t in the optimal spot, we had a good turnout of visitors.
Our dedicated team of volunteers at the table, namely RadhaKrishna, Tsurit, Mahesh, Mulaka, and Ragatmika, were joyfully sharing information about the SEVA Care initiative with the local community members and visiting guests and signing up new volunteers, while distributing some of our table treats, made by Parijata, Ragatmika, Radhika, Lilesvari, and Tsurit.
SEVA Care is a non-profit organization, committed to supporting families from moments of birth to the time of death, addressing a variety of life needs in between.
Look for our table at occasional Sunday Feasts to also sign our Volunteer Sheet, indicating your inclination and time availability. Or email us at [email protected]. Our Sacred Care Kit is always available at the Sunday table or upon request.