Giriraja Maharaj tells the story of Yamuna Devi becoming quite sick after working very hard with many devotees setting up a public speaking facility in Delhi featuring lectures by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami. Everyone enthusiastically participated in making it a wonderful experience, but shortly afterwards Yamuna felt very ill and exhausted. Srila Prabhupada repeatedly asked for Yamuna and the devotees told him she was resting as she wasn’t feeling well.
Yamuna devi recalled that one day Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada came to see her. He asked her how she was feeling and felt her head, looked at her, and concluded she most likely suffered from jaundice. He immediately procured a hospital bed, moved her into the room next to his, and called in an Ayurvedic doctor. Everyday Prabhupada personally administered the proper medicine prescribed and watched while Yamuna took it because it was bitter and quite unpalatable! This service continued until Srila Prabhupada was certain that Yamuna had recovered.
He set the example of the importance of caring for one another. Following in the footsteps of our teacher, Srila Prabhupada, we want to carry on this loving tradition.